Information About Greek Persian Wars

By Helen Stevens

They involve conflict between Greece and propel of Persian Empire and were caused by different things. Greek Persian wars were beneficial to Greece because this was the first time they united against a common enemy and that is how they emerged the winner. Their culture spread since they were able to mingle with their opponents and intermarry.

Athens was paralyzed economically and physically but after Greece became the winner of this fight they got to enjoy some temporary benefits. Their democracy got weaker and the people they relied on failed to give them enough protection. A lot change over the years as buildings become better, theater were developed and there were wall paintings showcasing their beautiful scenes.

The first time Athens was struck was strong enough to remain unshaken but during the second time they were strong enough and ready to fight back. They worked as in strong force to fight their enemies which gave them a result positive and negative effects emerged. There was intermarriages which helped in cultural exchange thus preventing more fighting due to culture.

A lot of these people in ancient days were traders and when they did not get along business wise differences occurred. Spartans were really mad at people of Athens because they felt that they used almost natural resource for their benefit. When these people got dissatisfied they began retaliating as they fought for equal share and when no one seemed to care the fight increased.

After Greece won they transformed Delian League into their empire thus there were natural resources that they acquired through corruption. However the corruption of those days is totally different from what we term as corruption today. Those days corruption involved even stealing soldiers from your opponents as long as it worked to your favor and helped one win the battle.

Greece ended up owning a lot of natural resources which were not acquired using the legal means. Even if they were acquired through conquering the battle they only helped people who were from Athens. In those days when a country or a community won any battle they automatically took over what those they defeated owned thus making the acquisition method corrupt as they grabbed properties unfairly.

Once the fighting was over there are some achievements that came by like innovation of science and mathematics. The goal was to make Athens beautiful therefore architects came up with drawings on how they wanted the city to look like. History writers emerged during this period since they wanted to record what exactly happened when people fought and made plays out of these stories.

Before the war there was no challenges for people to make innovations. People were contented before until scientists started making shocking discoveries that changed their lives. No one knew deaths occurred naturally. Every one believed that it was a punishment from gods when someone sinned. They also stopped raw meat and started cooking it to help contribute to better health.

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